Thursday, February 17, 2011

God's Love Revealed

A twelve year old recently asked me if having children helped me understand God's love better.  First of all...Wow!  How inciteful of a twelve year old to even think like that!  (This was not your average everyday girl though.)  The answer is YES.  I have absolutely known since the day I held Lion in my arms that I also held a bit more understanding of God's love than ever before.  But since asked the question recently, I have been thinking about it even more.  I do think that if we try to pretend that the way we love our kids is the way God loves us, we are kidding ourselves.  But isn't it a precious gift that He gives us a glimpse of what it is like?  However, the older my kids get, the more I realize there is so much more to God's love than just that feeling of awe, amazement, and wonder.

For instance....I am sure God has been irritated with my immaturity when He was trying to teach me something vitally important.

God wants me to know...."You don't know as much as you think you do, and you are getting way too big for your britches."

I sure do make some messes out of things!  And yes, He keeps cleaning them up.

(Yes ladies....that IS what you think it is ;-)

He really does think I am beautiful, but He is much more concerned about my heart's beauty. 

He wants me to run the race until it is finished.  He will be just as proud when I finish even if I do not win first place.  (And isn't it neat that just as Jeremy ran with Lion, God runs with us!)

His heart is proud when we serve and make someone else's day brighter.

He is glad when we work with a cheerful heart, even though sometimes our "work" is not quite as productive as He would like.  We are still in training. 

(Doing laundry...every piece brought to me was being worn and took about 10 minutes to get from the bathroom to the laundry room)

Most of all...God sees our relationship as priceless and He would die for me...In fact He DID! 

Thank you God for the blessing of my children!


  1. Jara, this almost made me cry! I hope I can keep this in my heart when my little one gets here...and the years after that. What a beatiful message. Thanks for sharing. :-) P.S. LOVE the pics!

  2. Love this post!
    And by the way, that face Monkey is making being silly, looks JUST LIKE YOU. And I don't mean that like you look that way all the time. But you make that face sometimes being silly too! Seriously! That cracked me UP!

  3. You are so right!!! I have thought this many times! Glad you have started blogging!
